
Thursday, 30 January 2025

Memories - post-glandular fever

 Happy New Year!

I was looking at very old posts, and remembering when I had glandular fever. Isn't it interesting how time fades memories... but writing about the memories reminds you of how much you have to be grateful for!

I wrote about being exhausted, unable to work more than 3 days a week, then eventually I could work 4. What I didn't write, and is a strong memory - I initially could only work one day in three. I needed a day to recover between shifts! At the time, I was a casual, working for an agency, living with my parents. If I had the regular adult expenses (rent, mortgage, etc), I don't know how I would have coped. 

I also was in the prime of wedding planning! So, although I wasn't able to work as much, I had more free time to focus on my upcoming wedding. I actually enjoyed that. 

Many people told me that after glandular fever, you are never the same.  Energy levels often don't fully return, and fatigue becomes your norm. Unfortunately, despite refusing to accept that, and many prayers for healing... they were right. I don't know why God chose not to fully heal me. Fatigue has been my norm for almost 20 years. You get so used to it... For me, I learned that my physical limits are lower than they used to be. I'm used to listening to my body, and having others not understand my limits. I often push through, but in the first few years after glandular fever, I struggled to even do that.  I did not have energy reserves, or the "second wind" we take for granted. Once my energy was used up, it was gone until the following day. These days, a nap can help. But early on, it made no difference.  

After feeling frustrated, and wondering if I'd simply become lazy, or I was genuinely tired... a doctor gave me the validation that I was NOT lazy. My body just needs rest. She told me not to be so hard on myself. She also labelled it as post-viral fatigue, and yes, it can last a long time. Many people have since presented with similar symptoms as post-covid fatigue. 

I used to love working out at the gym. After my wedding, I was encouraged not to renew my membership because I was pushing myself too hard, with only half of my previous workouts. I put on weight, but I had to admit, I was trying to use energy reserves I simply did not have.  

So, what has changed since then? My energy levels gradually increased, I allow my body & mind to rest more... and found ways to incorporate exercise into my day. Some days, walking to/from the train is the best "no excuses" exercise. My job is physically & mentally demanding - I walk 8,000-10,000 steps in a day, just working. I also have energy supplements that help. I work 5 days a week. 

I don't know why I'm writing this... maybe it will encourage somebody. If you are in the early stages of recovering from glandular fever, don't lose heart. Be kind to your body and mind. Don't feel guilty for listening to your body. As my doctor said, You're not lazy! Be patient with yourself. It does get better! 💜🦋

Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Value of Your Circle

I have been reflecting on the past year, and there is so much I could write. However, I feel to simply focus on one topic: the value of your circle. 

If I am honest, I ended the working year feeling burned out. I withdrew from the world. I was in survival mode - just focused on getting through the working year. I now find myself continuing to deliberately disconnect, but with a new purpose - to recuperate. 

Many things have caused me to think about who is in my inner circle. Who are the people that bring value to my life? Who can I talk to without boundaries? Who speaks life into my world? Who just listens without judgement? 

Being out and about, and hearing conversations of others... I realised I take for granted those in my inner circle. I guess I shelter myself from a lot of 'junk'. I make (often unconscious) efforts to be in a 'clean' environment.  To keep my conversations pure and life-giving. When I hear gutter talk from people around me, I realise the quality of friends in my circle. My friends, like me, are not perfect, but they always speak life and truth. They are calming and encouraging. They don't backstab or speak death or harm over anybody.

They are set apart. There are many quotes about the importance of who is in your circle. I agree... we all need a few trusted people who just make the world a better place. 

Thank you to those who make my world a better place 💜🦋

(The photo is of a beautiful gift from somebody in my circle 🥰). 

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Finishing Well

Oops... I missed November! 🤭😅 It was a mentally and physically exhausting month. I had many ideas, but a link in the chain from thought to typing broke 🙃 I will continue to work on those ideas, and bring them to life in the future.

Recently, I caught up with my original intercessor & prophetic mentors. One of our topics of conversation was, "Finishing Well".

I had a friend, a pastor from Texas who's blog was named, "Finishing Well". He passed away about a year ago. We never actually met in person, but he was a source of encouragement to me. He was like a wise uncle who would occasionally check in on me, and encouraged me when I needed. As a Palliative Care Chaplain, he helped me through the process of losing my parents-in-law. 

His aim in life was to Finish Well. I believe he did. 

I'm sure many of us desire to finish well. To hear those words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant" (Matthew 5:23).  

How many of us, if we're honest, question how we would respond in a life or death situation? Would we be prepared to die for our faith? To be imprisoned for following Jesus? With the way the world is going, it can be quite a sobering topic. None of us wants to die for our faith, right? But, I'm sure most of us would rather find ourselves in heaven, for being faithful, than hell, for giving in to fear.

I loved how my mentors concluded this subject.... we all need to be praying for ourselves, and our friends to finish well. 

So, if you are reading this, I pray that you have the courage and determination to finish well. To eventually hear the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant". 🦋©️

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Vision of the Potter's Lantern

 This morning at church, during worship, God showed me a vision. I saw a potter's wheel, but instead of clay, a glass ball was being created. Two hands were holding it, as if it was a crystal ball. I said, "God, I don't like this. I don't understand what it means!"

 He continued the vision. As I watched the hands working, I began to see the ball shape change. It began to stretch upwards. What began as a ball gave the appearance of a lantern. The old fashioned style oil lantern. I felt God say, "Don't accept what you first see. Things are not always as they initially appear. I AM in the details. Don't be afraid. Don't stress. Just wait. Wait for me to show you MY version. What the enemy means for evil, I turn around to GOOD". He showed me that he uses US as lights in the lantern. His light shines through us, and when we feel surrounded by darkness, we are to be His light. 

Isaiah 41:10 NIV-  So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

This resonated with me, as I've been experiencing intense spiritual warfare during the last few weeks. I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs to hear this. 🦋©️

Monday, 30 September 2024

Renew our strength, Lord

 Isaiah 40:30-31 NIV - Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.

On the eve of a new month, I'm reminded of the weary feeling... it's a battle to not "grow tired and weary" , but life doesn't always go as planned... and I'm holding on to that hope of the Lord to renew my strength. 

I have been weary this month. I'm standing on His hope. His strength. I continue to stand, even though I'm tired. 

I'm praying for all of us feeling the weariness from constant warfare, mixed with 'life'.

Tomorrow is a new day...a new month. The warfare probably won't decrease- after all it will be October... but we can continue to stand and hope in the Lord's strength to keep refreshing us, and pushing us forward.  

Let's continue to ready ourselves to soon soar on wings like Eagles! We may be tired, but we will rise, if we don't give in to the weariness 🦋

Saturday, 17 August 2024

Let Nothing Move You

1 Corinthians 15:58: Let nothing move you.  (Condensed by me).

One morning, as I was walking from the train, I came towards about 30 pigeons on the ground. They were feeding in the grass. As I approached, they all flew away...except for one scruffy looking black bird. It wasn't until the others flew away, that this different bird was exposed. It just stood there looking at me. No fear. It wasn't moving for anything! It was the lone one. I also just looked at, without a care, as I continued to walk by. Just like that bird was not moving, I had no intention to stop walking.  

I thought, that is how we, and our prayers should be. We don't fly away, or run when we perceive a possible threat... we stand. We should be so secure in our faith, and in ourselves, that we are unmovable. We stay at our post. 
When evil approaches, the light within us should scare away the darkness. Evil flies away, not us!

It reminds me of the phrase, "Eagles don't fly with pigeons". 
It could have been easy for that lone bird to just follow the pigeons, and fly away. It chose to be an 'eagle'. Both times. I can confirm there was no danger for either of us, but those pigeons didn't stay to find out. Let's not be like those pigeons. We're created to be Eagles.

(I didn't take any photos that day...but a few days later, the exact experience repeated.... so then I took photos!) ©️🦋

Saturday, 27 July 2024

The Story of Daisy and Lily

 This creative story was inspired around 2012. It is metaphorically based on a real friendship that was impacted by mental health issues. There are two sides to every story - this story is based on my feelings and thought processes at the time.

This is the story of two friends, Daisy & Lily. Daisy lived in a lovely house with a white verandah and white picket fence.
Sometimes her friend Lily would walk past and see Daisy sitting on her verandah. When Daisy saw Lily, she would walk down her path to her picket gate and greet Lily. They would have great chats and leave
each other’s company feeling happy.

One day, Lily walked to Daisy's house, but before she could reach the gate, Daisy walked inside. Lily knew Daisy could have days where she didn’t want to talk to people, so she kept walking that day.
The next day, the same thing happened. Lily did not know what to do, so she decided to knock on Daisy's door to see if she was ok. Daisy did not respond, so Lily continued on her way.
It seemed to Lily that Daisy was going through a rough time and did not want to talk to Lily, so Lily left notes in Daisy's mailbox to let her know she cared. Daisy did not respond.

After a few occasions of Lily walking by and not seeing Daisy, there came a day when Daisy was again sitting on her verandah. Lily saw this, and decided to walk up to the gate and say Hello. Daisy ignored Lily! So Lily continued on her way...
A few days later, Lily walked up to the gate, and Daisy was again sitting on her verandah. Again, Lily said, "Hello". This time Daisy glared at Lily, as if the friendly gesture was an offense. Lily began to find walking past Daisy's house difficult. She tried not to avoid Daisy, because they were good friends, but the rejection was becoming too much. There were times when Daisy would see Lily coming, and look towards a neighbour to begin a conversation, so as to avoid Lily completely.

Lily finally stepped aside. The constant rejection from Daisy had reached its limit. She had tried to let Daisy know she cared, but to no avail. At one point, Daisy spoke very loudly to a neighbour - as Lily was passing by - that placing notes in the mailbox was offensive and not good enough. That was the last straw for Lily. As much as she cared for Daisy, she valued her self-respect more... so she began to take a different path that did not pass Daisy's house.

Daisy had been too busy not letting others into her world, that she rejected those who cared about her. In the end, her friends felt so rejected, they could not take any more rejection. They did not allow themselves to be in situations where they could experience rejection... which made the one doing the rejecting even more angry... but that was something only one person could change.

So... even though Lily changed her route to avoid further rejection and emotional abuse, she didn’t stop caring for Daisy. She felt Daisy needed time and space to work through her issues, so gave Daisy space to do so, hoping she would be able to again walk by that gate soon. To experience an, "Hello" instead of a scowl. It took much time for the "Hello" to return... although the friendship was now fractured.

After thought:
Mental illness is very real. Please don't take your friends for granted - Their feelings and mental health are just as valued as yours. 🦋©️