
Friday, 28 February 2025

Anticipating March

 Can you believe it's already the last day of February! Time has flown... and this time last year, I was in Perth for the Seers & Dreamers Gathering (SDG). Seriously, how has it already been a whole year!

I'm on the verge of travelling to the Gold Coast for this year's Seers & Dreamers Gathering. 

After the first SDG in Sydney, I was excited to attend Perth...and whatever lid was on the Sydney SDG, flew off in Perth! We were expectant, but God blew our socks off in Perth! 

So now, I am feeling excited anticipation for the upcoming SDG. My spirit is stirring...has been stirring for months... whatever happened in Perth, like Sydney, was just a springboard for what's to come on the Gold Coast! 

Maybe you are reading this, and are also attending the SDG. If you see me, please say hello...and give me a hug! ;) I'm looking forward to seeing you!! 🦋©️

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Memories - post-glandular fever

 Happy New Year!

I was looking at very old posts, and remembering when I had glandular fever. Isn't it interesting how time fades memories... but writing about the memories reminds you of how much you have to be grateful for!

I wrote about being exhausted, unable to work more than 3 days a week, then eventually I could work 4. What I didn't write, and is a strong memory - I initially could only work one day in three. I needed a day to recover between shifts! At the time, I was a casual, working for an agency, living with my parents. If I had the regular adult expenses (rent, mortgage, etc), I don't know how I would have coped. 

I also was in the prime of wedding planning! So, although I wasn't able to work as much, I had more free time to focus on my upcoming wedding. I actually enjoyed that. 

Many people told me that after glandular fever, you are never the same.  Energy levels often don't fully return, and fatigue becomes your norm. Unfortunately, despite refusing to accept that, and many prayers for healing... they were right. I don't know why God chose not to fully heal me. Fatigue has been my norm for almost 20 years. You get so used to it... For me, I learned that my physical limits are lower than they used to be. I'm used to listening to my body, and having others not understand my limits. I often push through, but in the first few years after glandular fever, I struggled to even do that.  I did not have energy reserves, or the "second wind" we take for granted. Once my energy was used up, it was gone until the following day. These days, a nap can help. But early on, it made no difference.  

After feeling frustrated, and wondering if I'd simply become lazy, or I was genuinely tired... a doctor gave me the validation that I was NOT lazy. My body just needs rest. She told me not to be so hard on myself. She also labelled it as post-viral fatigue, and yes, it can last a long time. Many people have since presented with similar symptoms as post-covid fatigue. 

I used to love working out at the gym. After my wedding, I was encouraged not to renew my membership because I was pushing myself too hard, with only half of my previous workouts. I put on weight, but I had to admit, I was trying to use energy reserves I simply did not have.  

So, what has changed since then? My energy levels gradually increased, I allow my body & mind to rest more... and found ways to incorporate exercise into my day. Some days, walking to/from the train is the best "no excuses" exercise. My job is physically & mentally demanding - I walk 8,000-10,000 steps in a day, just working. I also have energy supplements that help. I work 5 days a week. 

I don't know why I'm writing this... maybe it will encourage somebody. If you are in the early stages of recovering from glandular fever, don't lose heart. Be kind to your body and mind. Don't feel guilty for listening to your body. As my doctor said, You're not lazy! Be patient with yourself. It does get better! 💜🦋