
Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

Just popping in to say

MeRrY ChRiStMaS!!!

Praying you have a special day surrounded with love...and if not through people, the love of Jesus to fill your heart and give you many reasons to smile during this festive time.

Jesus is the reason for the season, and he doesn't want ONE heart to be sad on the remembrance of his birthday. 

If you have lost somebody this year, or previous years, I pray His love fills that hole in your heart today...the hole that nobody else can replace. Christmas is a time where we remember most those who have left us, but they are always in our heats. They would want us to keep living our lives, even though they cannot be with us. 

I don't know most of you who read my blog, and I thank you for taking the time to read my words... I pray that somehow I can encourage you, even if it's simply to show that you're not alone. 

Finally, I cannot imagine a Christmas without my saviour, Jesus Christ. It breaks my heart to imagine people who don't feel the joy and peace that I feel...and the unconditional love. I pray that you will feel this peace and joy that I feel...there is nothing like it in the universe! 

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