
Sunday, 12 February 2023

Riding the Waves of Life

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 1 Peter 1:6 NIV

2023... What a year already! I was recently thinking about the last 5 or so years of my life, and realised it was a season of learning to ride the many waves that came my way! 

Small waves and big waves. Waves representing character growth, family situations, shock health diagnoses and 'young' deaths... Spiritual waves of adversity and realising some waves were caused by other people who should have known better ... Waves of navigating the covid season and lockdowns. So many waves! Sometimes you don't even realise you're in the water... Then a big wave hits! You either ride it or fall. It doesn't matter which way you go, as long as you keep going. 

I've been knocked down enough times to know the only option is to get back on the board. Falling is part of leaning and growing. The water doesn't harm you if you choose to keep getting back up. Each time you fall, you can get back up, stronger and more determined to ride the next wave. You can be better prepared, and wiser. Waves stop catching you off guard when you learn the signs. 

The last few years have turned me into a strong surfer, metaphorically. I've never actually tried to surf, physically. But spiritually, I surf a LOT. Personally, getting back up has required an attitude and heart of forgiveness. So many waves have come from unexpected sources, and tested my heart. 

I would say, the 2019-2022 season especially, was a season of becoming a stronger surfer. This season brought out the worst and the best in people. It exposed true colours and attitudes of the heart. I learned, if I was going to keep riding the waves, I needed to surf alone, or carefully select who I trusted to be in my circle. Too many people wanted to push me off my board, or stop me from moving forward. I couldn't pray with people if our attitudes and prayers were not in alignment. So I learned the boundaries of my own lane, and diligently stayed there. 

2022 brought waves of change. I rode many of those waves, until I realised I needed to start surfing in a different body of water. Where I'd felt alone & frustrated by the water I was in, the new body of water refreshed me and reignited my spark. I had outgrown the previous water. The waves of change carried me into a new season. 

My point is, life is full of waves. You can either use them to help you grow and overcome, or you can let the water envelope you and suck you under. The waves will come, big or small. The question is, Will you choose to surf or let life's challenges pull you down? 

I know I have faced many big waves, and at times, been briefly sucked under... But.. I choose to always pick myself back up. The big waves come, and now I meet them with new strength, wisdom and determination. The devil is a liar. There is ALWAYS a way back up/out/over/through. The waves are just a challenge for you to prove that. 

Trials will come, but God promises to stay with us and give us a reason to rejoice (1 Peter 1:6) and joy does come in the morning! (Psalm 30:5). 🦋