
Sunday, 31 July 2022

Blessings everywhere!

This morning while in church, God gave me the sudden realisation that even though I've been feeling in the middle of a slow whirlwind, surviving, coping, choosing joy, standing... SO MANY good things have been happening too. I was reminded of the bible verse, Amos 9:13: 

“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills..." Amos 9:13 MSG. (Emphasis mine).

People have been prophesying this during the year, but I didn't realise this new season has brought this kind of action to my life! 

I didn't relate to not being able to keep up. Suddenly, things are changing, happening, moving! We have moved. We didn't expect, or plan this new season to begin in a new church family. However, this one act of obedience triggered the beginning of the breakthroughs. Things are happening fast! The whirlwind is receding. New joys are coming, my heart is refreshed. Warfare has picked up, but that makes sense! We are in a joyful, new season. 

I also had a dream last night that really surprised me! Previously, I've talked about doors to friendships that God has locked. I still trust Him with the keys. I dreamed that one door is no longer locked. I'll be honest, the door was locked about 20 years ago, and I was led into an inner healing journey- which changed my life in amazing ways. But that door needed to be locked. I learned about soul ties. The person on the other side did try to initiate communication various times, and my mentors in their wise, motherly wisdom, strongly reminded me the door needed to stay closed. It was tough. That person would not know how hard it was for me to not engage, to not open the door even just a crack... it took strength & courage to trust God with that door. They probably thought I was heartless & uncaring, which is hard not to be able to defend. The truth is, I did care- which was why it was initially so hard to trust the door to stay locked. Yes, that person deeply hurt me, but I forgave them long ago. I won't go out of my way to open the door, but knowing it is no longer locked is a strange feeling. I did not see this coming! 

My heart is in anticipation for what is coming. Doors have closed, but new doors have opened! 2022 has not been the year we expected, but now we are running with this new season of blessings! 🦋

Saturday, 30 July 2022

Mid-year Musings about Covid

It is almost the end of July, and I haven't felt an urge to post about anything in particular. I think it's because my mind has been so full... Much of this last month has been exhausting, emotionally & mentally. I haven't been able to keep up with things important to me, and it frustrates me! 

So, we are halfway through 2022. My world is very different to how it was at the beginning of this year. I have experienced so many changes. I have seen first-hand the reality of Covid on loved ones and people in my care.

Like many healthcare workers, I am frustrated by the lack of care and complacency towards Covid. I recently began catching the train to work, after almost a year of driving. I stopped taking public transport because of the blatant disregard of 90% of passengers towards covid safety. I missed the walking, and didn't like the work carpark. So again, I stand out for following the rules. Yes- RULES. I hate standing out for doing what is mandatory for all. But Covid is REAL, so I will continue to keep myself (and others) as safe as I can. I stand by my own convictions. 

Covid-safe practices do not end when I finish a shift. I don't finish work then throw caution to the wind. EVERY waking moment, I am aware of how my actions or inactions can impact on others- and their lives. Therefore, I choose to accept the ridicule for taking lives seriously. I know 2 vulnerable people who have died this year from Covid. One was my 97 year old Nonna (grandma). Her age was amazing. She was a very strong woman who lived a full life. But Covid is not the way we expected her life to end. The other person could have survived, but chose to die. 2 people who could still be with us- if others did the right thing.  

So, please help healthcare workers to stay safe, and reduce their workload. The work is already exhausting, then added PPE & Covid-safe practices add to the load. I don't work in a hospital, but I can tell you the extra PPE is very uncomfortable. Especially the plastic gowns that don't breathe- some days our clothes are damp, and exposed skin (eg, arms) is covered in sweat beads/moisture after removing the gowns. It's a yucky feeling. BUT we persist because our hearts are for the valuable, vulnerable people in our care.

The general public expects healthcare workers to keep them safe, and take care of them if they end up in hospital. But who is looking out for the healthcare workers? I hope you, the reader are part of that group who does.

Let's continue to keep each other safe and respected. Every life matters. 🦋