
Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Welcome to 2008 - Garden

Happy New Year!

Hope you’re looking forward to what’s beyond the door you’ve just walked through – 2008.

I could say we have a clean slate, or a white canvas on which to create the picture of this year…but I like the concept of a garden.

Your garden… 2008.

This year, in your garden…

Roses will bloom, weeds will be pulled out… daisies will pop up unexpectedly. Some roses may die, but they will make room for new beauty. Daffodils may pop up where you thought daisies should have been... Seeds that lay dormant in 2007, or even longer, will sprout.

Some of these seeds you planted yourself. Some you didn’t even know were there.

Some plants you can easily water yourself. Some will require help from others. There may be dry times and optimum times. But the garden will stand.

Seeds from the past that have lay dormant may suddenly take root – and you may not even know they were in the soil. Reap the rewards :)

Weeds may come and try to destroy your plants… you have the power in your hands to rip out the weeds! Or even spray them with weed killer. It’s YOUR garden. You must protect it with whatever means you can.

As with any garden, your garden will require nurturing, and you must wait for the right season for certain plants to flower or sprout. But rest assured, like the farmer knows, if he has planted his seeds in the right soil at the right time, the harvest WILL come :)

So look forward to what your garden brings in 2008 – the good, the sad, the tough, surprising, and the awwwwwing. Take care of your garden, and look back at the end of 2008 in admiration of the seasons and what they brought :)

And don’t forget… plant some bulbs for the years to come ;) Even plant them in other gardens ;) No good seed will be lost :)

P.S. The picture here is one I took when I was in Ireland - Killarney, when I was tired, but still feeling adventurous...I felt the rose represented how I felt at the time :)


Anonymous said...

That meant/means so much to me. But I think, I don't know, but it seemed like you meant (with the seeds, etc.) that it was our lives individually? But when I read it I was like "wow", I just was really 'impressed' that for me it's broader and involves care of many more people, but also promises where God is bringing people back (like this man I dreamt about this morning). One word I received from God, He told me that others will come (where other relationships will be cast off..) who will be like SEEDS around me. :D And I didn't quite get what He meant by seed but now I think I do. They're not necessarily going to be flourishing roses, daisies, cherry blossoms, but with care and watering and weeding out done around them, they will grow. I think that's something of what it means.
Welcome as well to 2008, Robyn :) I love you.

Anonymous said...

Butterfly girl.. butterflies - like bees - do they go around and 'pollinate' the flowers? :)

Robyn said...

Wow...I'm glad you got something out of that :) I was just "typing with the wind" ;)

Interesting question about butterflies... I think they do pollinate...

Hope ur going well :)
Luv you too :)