
Thursday, 30 August 2012

Blooming where you are planted

Recently I was reminded of a past struggle I had, and was greatly encouraged by it...

I was asked by a higher authority, why, with my higher qualifications, I was in the job I am currently in.

Great question! No, I didn't go to uni to do the job I am in...but that is the path GOD has led me on.

Yes, I have tried to gain higher positions in better paid, and more glorified jobs. Fact is, it took me a long time to learn that God had different ideas for me... it was not about ME. 

I finally accepted the word that I was to "Bloom where you are planted". I have learned a great deal in the last decade+ of employment...met many interesting characters...some I would gladly never meet again, others  have been awesome. Through this, I have learned many people skills....dealing with difficult people, how to work with all sorts of people.... and how to really love the 'unloved'. I have gained much confidence in myself and my work. I have made some great friends (and even some!).

It took me years.....maybe the better part of the last decade, to understand why I was doing what I was doing.

For now, I am happy. There are many opportunities still to come for this life... but I know I am where God wants me to be for this time.

I am who I am and I will not change my personality for anybody - I will make changes if I feel the need, but nobody will put me in a box to which I do not belong.

I am finally blooming where I have been planted. 

The label of my life....Esther 4:14. I was "born for such a time as this".

Monday, 27 August 2012

Day-to-day Spiritual Warfare

Sometimes I would love to share what has happened in my day, but I know some people just wouldn't understand, so I just post at surface level.

For today, 'surface level' means that I've been dealing with spirits in other people, and instead of being annoyed by them, I've told them who is boss! It has been a very interesting and rewarding experience. God is showing me more and more about what I can do in Him. This has been happening over a month or so, and I just find the Holy Spirit prompting me to do or say certain things. I have also received confirmation from unsuspecting others, who have noticed a difference in the people I deal with.

So, that's today's news. Hopefully it will encourage somebody :)