
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Elijah Generation

I'd like to share something I read on Facebook...quoted from John Filler via the Elijah House USA page,

It came from my good friend Kerry Knorr. I just had to agree. For those of you who are in their 30's, especially those we know and love, please hear our hearts and see the big picture without you.TUESDAY'S POST:The Elijah Generation was foretold in the early 70's, were born in the late 70's and are in their 30's now. A whole bunch of them are hiding in Obadiah's cave (1Ki.18) eating scraps from Ahab's table. Guys! Go get a testosterone shot if you need to - but build an alter! Make a place in your life for fire from heaven! The god who answers by fire - he is God.
  I don't believe I've been in Obadiah's cave, but I sure know I am part of this Elijah Generation!
I almost just scraped in, but I have no doubt of my calling. I have been feeling this stirring for some time...and I have been encouraged to do something about it. Even been encouraged to speak to people who recognise my gifts who will build me up when I need it. I've been drawn to, led to people who have encouraged me greatly in the simplest ways.

One amazing thing is that others who are not in close proximity to me have been recognising my gifts and trying to encourage me to use them in greater ways. I am grateful for these people. Sometimes I feel their suggestions are great, but the timing is wrong... but the fact they are seeing areas where I can be used and wanting me to be there with them....that is so encouraging.
In a sense, it's like God is using 'outside' people to tell me that HE is listening. HE sees my life and what is going on around me... and he continues to remind me that yes, I was created for greater things. I still don't know WHAT or HOW or even WHERE....I just know there is SOMETHING. So I am encouraged to just continue on the journey, and listen to him. I have always known I was born with purpose. I'm just waiting for him to show me more... bring on the fire from heaven! 

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