
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

T.D. Jakes

I had a day off today... I enjoyed staying home and getting into some de-cluttering...a daunting task for a girl who attracts organised chaos! But I am proud of myself for what I managed to get done :)

So, I sat down this morning with a cup of tea, and started listening to T.D. Jakes...from a link on my Facebook page. It was awesome...I found myself feeling quite sad when the message finished...I was hungry for More!

Often when my husband has a Rostered Day Off work, I come home from work to see him spending time with Mr Jakes. It's encouraging to see your loved one getting spiritually fed by somebody as deep as Mr Jakes. It encourages me to keep growing too :)

So today was my turn. It was soooo good... I ended up playing about 3 different messages (loud! lol!) while cleaning around the house. I really enjoyed being 'stuck' at home today. You can't STOP long enough to really get into these things when you've been working all day. Today my mind was fresh, and my spirit ready.

During this season I am currently in, T.D. Jakes and other ministers have been encouraging me and helping me push through...I often feel alone...but I have some wonderful people in my life who help me change that feeling. This morning, there was POWER in my house! It was just awesome!!!

Here are a few quotes I loved...

You always know God has an assignment for you when the enemy sends an assassin to destroy you.
God will use Rejection to give you Direction
God is going to take you to some place you've never been, to show you something you've never seen, so that you can do something you've never done! 
No deviations, no discrepancies - just direction. That's what you want for this year of your life. Deviation: Don't sidetrack me! Discrepancy: Don't try to pull me down into confusion and chaos. I just want Direction for my life! 

I just love T.D. Jakes... He brings joy to my spirit and life into my soul!

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