
Saturday, 11 September 2021

What a different world...

Well, it has been quite some time between posts, hasn't it!

You'd think a global pandemic, and continuous lockdowns would give me more time to write...and I guess that's true, but it has also been exhausting.

I've been blessed to be an Essential Worker, so life hasn't changed much in my household. Both of us go to work, have our social tanks filled daily, and don't feel lonely or the need to physically connect with other people. It helps to be introverts in this season. 

I am aware there are others who feel the opposite. It is tough. Lockdown 6, which was supposed to last 7 days...has been extended so many times, we've lost track of what day we're at! It has been at least a month... I think...

The world has changed. People are becoming angry and selfish. Judgemental and defensive. I don't believe it's necessarily on purpose. I think most people are just TIRED. Covid-fatigued. At least, that's how it is in Melbourne. Drivers are cutting other drivers off when there is no traffic to wait for. They're not thinking when they begin to drive. People of faith are attacking others of the same or different faiths. People are refusing to respect others. There is so much fear and uncertainty. So much anxiety.

The enemy has found "cracks" and has been creating division among people of faith. If I am honest, there are only two places where I feel safe: home and work. They are the only places where everybody is on-board with protecting each other. Everybody treats each other with the same respect and value. Nobody wants to encourage the virus in any way. 

As always, I look for the rainbows- because there is always a rainbow when you look for one! Sometimes God even shows me a tangible one. Most times, I feel the rainbow in my heart. 

We're all tired... If I could say one thing to encourage anybody feeling Covid-fatigued, I would say to simply Be Kind. Kindness doesn't cost much. You never regret being kind, but you might regret your words or actions through retaliation, hurt or anger. Plus, one simple act of kindness could be the one thing to make another's day. 

Stay strong and safe. And Be Kind. 

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