
Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Best Birthday Ever!

I would like to say thanks to those of you who sent texts during the day :) It was nice to receive a few during my lunch break and at the end of my shift :)

Well, this has definitely been an awesome year for birthdays! I'm still getting through the biscuits...but they're disappearing...

The week has gone so fast, but it's still not over! Nearly a week has past already...and on Saturday I'm going to celebrate at Manchester Lane with a dinner and jazz nite with my family.

Last Thursday (my bday) was a great day and night.
Saturday I went to my cousin's 18th party (same birthday!)
and on Monday, my intercession mums took me out for coffee and cake at Dom's! It was an awesome night of just being girls, drinking coffee, eating ice cream or cake and just chatting away! I loved it! :) I had a Forbidden Apple ice cream. Hadn't had one in nearly 10yrs! haha!

I've been so spoilt this birthday! Not in the sense of presents, but the people around me who are real blessings in my life. I've really felt spoilt by their company. I've felt really loved ;)

As a child, people think birthdays are all about presents...but as you get older the presents take a different light... you don't necessarily receive as many, but the few you do receive are the ones with the most 'heart'. And really, I would prefer the presence of the wonderful people in my life, than gifts.

God has really been showing me a lot this year about people... and the ones I seem to see the least, are often the ones God uses as messengers. It's wonderful :)

So yeah, I have really loved the lead-up, duration and lead up to the 'final celebration' of this year's birthday!

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