
Thursday, 30 December 2021

2021 - Part 2 - Personal Bessings

2021 - Part 1 - General Reflections

Wow...what a year, hey! When people were excitedly declaring the end of 2020, I was thinking, "Things don't just get better because the clock ticks past midnight". I was praying for a better 2021, but didn't expect the first day to magically remove the dramas of 2020. 

For me, 2021 began with a season of loss and grief. In March, we were informed our friend was in the ICU after 2 big strokes. She was only 44, and one of the healthiest people we knew. I struggled to know what to pray...for healing? For a peaceful departure? I just put her in God's hands. Nobody wanted to lose her, but neither did we wish a life of suffering or loss of independence on her. In the end, God took her home. Her departure shook us deeply...and also brought people together. I know she would have loved that... People connecting, and re-connecting in shared mourning, reminding each other of their importance to each other. I also have no doubt she would have heard those precious words, "Well done, good and faithful servant".

This was also the time we were informed my father-in-law had terminal cancer... God took him home only a few months May. We were so blessed to be able to travel to NSW to see him before he left us. The borders were closed a few weeks later! His passing meant I had lost both my parents-in-law. We no longer had family living in NSW. It was a huge, unexpected loss. So many "small" things stopped. No more skype calls, text messages, sending gifts & cards via Express Post... and the death of dreams that won't come to pass... You often don't realise how important and valued these "small" things are until they stop. 

Early in 2021, after the many Lockdowns of 2020, Melbourne successfully eradicated covid! We were beginning to experience a sense of our "new normal". People were beginning to socialise and enjoy exploring their surroundings again. We were venturing out, beyond restrictions we had become used to. We were seeing our families again. Churches were open, no longer solely online. Coffee catch ups were back. Complacency slowly crept in... "Don't worry, nobody has covid!" But many were still aware that could change. There was no guarantee. Some people predicted a coming "worse wave". It FELT unrealistic, but we were still on guard, in a sense. happened. After all the suffering & hard work of Melbourne and Victoria to eradicate the virus... Outsiders with no understanding of how much we'd endured, recklessly brought it across the border. "Recklessly" may sound harsh, but at the time, Melbourne felt abused. There was little remorse from those who deliberately ignored our proven Covid-safe rules. The honeymoon was over! Those predictions of "worse" came to pass... Melbourne was no longer the "World's Most Livable City". We gained a new title, "World's Most Locked Down City". 

2021 has been a rollercoaster year. People reached their limits. Covid-fatigue became the normal. EVERYBODY was tired. Everybody was fed up with not being able to see their families and friends. Birthdays were spent in Lockdown- isolated from loved ones. Significant birthday parties were rescheduled, rescheduled...then cancelled. Weddings were up in the air again.

We needed Work Permits to go to work... PPE was ramped up. Not only were staff/carers Covid-fatigued, but our vulnerable clients displayed signs and symptoms. They coped much better during 2020. But the resilience some showed in 2021 was just beautiful. It was a challenging year, giving so much of ourselves mentally and physically. Trying to help people have a good day, despite the many restrictions and Covid-safe practices. It was a blessing to go to work, although by the end of the year, we were ALL utterly exhausted! The Christmas break couldn't come fast enough.

If 2021 were a cupcake, the vaccine was like adding choc chips made of mud. During 2020, people prayed for a vaccine. In 2021 they were threatened by the very thing they prayed for. There were so many variables, facts vs myths, etc... And minds that ran wild with whatever information they read or saw, without first checking the facts. Fear-mongering and division became very evident. People became divided. Many made the decision to have the vaccine, after doing their research, weighing up the pros and cons, and much prayer. Many chose against it. What I've found, is Christians I know who felt to have it, felt God's Peace. Many, like me, were hesitant. But God's Peace is EVERYTHING. Many who chose against it, also have that same Peace. It's those who have little to no peace who seem to be caught up in the confusion. Nobody WANTED to have the vaccine. Most recipients felt they needed to protect those they love, the front-liners, community, and themselves. For those who have peace about the vax, the benefits far outweighed the risks. Plus, we have faith in God's protection. Without that, we wouldn't have His peace. 

Unfortunately, the vaccine mandate was enforced. We lost some great colleagues. It was a very unsettling time. I made the decision a week before the mandate was announced, so feel very blessed that I was NOT forced. It took many months for me to feel that peace. But when it came, it never left. It took faith...and now for myself, and many others who have crossed that bridge, there is no turning back. 

If you are still unsure of the vaccine, I challenge you to stop listening to ALL voices for a day or so, then only listen to a few voices you trust- who will give you honest and factual information. Because, any voice with a biased agenda will just steal your peace and feed your confusion. Then make your decision, either way, WHEN you feel peace. You are responsible for YOUR decision, nobody else's. Also, don't forget to love those who have chosen differently. 

I love a quote I recently heard, 

"It takes faith to HAVE the vaccine,
and it takes faith NOT to have the vaccine".


Now that the new variant is out there, it looks like we won't enjoy the feeling of living in a "Covid-free" state again, or at least not in the near future. But we also won't experience the same kinds of Lockdowns we've endured during the last 2 years. I honestly think lockdowns won't be as effective, as many Covid-fatigued people have reached their limit, and blatantly ignore the rules. To healthcare workers like me, it's disrespectful and selfish, but clearly evident that Covid-fatigue is real and people are greatly impacted. 

It feels that 2022 will need to be a year of LOVE. People are worn out... We need to positively reconnect as a community. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Melbourne should be proud- we DID IT! We suffered. We endured. We didn't give up, although it would have been easy. The majority of people did the right thing, and now we're all reaping the rewards of freedom and reconnection. Let's not forget how hard we fought for this.

We don't know what 2022 holds, but I feel more hopeful and expectant than I did on 31st December 2020. 

Thanks for enduring the rollercoaster! Here's to a happier, more connected 2022! 🦋

Saturday, 6 November 2021

God's sense of humour

 I love God's sense of humour! Sometimes prophetic people get so used to GIVING, they forget to be open to RECEIVE. 

Over the last few days, God has been showing me a picture of a particular object. I couldn't figure out WHAT it meant or WHO it was for. This morning, He showed it again...and ended His silence. In an endearing voice, He said, "This one's for you, silly!" The penny finally dropped and we both had a giggle!

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Vaccine or No Vaccine?

I finally made the decision re whether or not to be vaccinated. I don't believe my decision itself is important- but the journey that brought me to this point is. 

I have never been anti-vax, but have been extremely hesitant of the covid ones. I didn't feel peace about being vaccinated. At one point, I felt it would be an act of disobedience to God...I still can't tell you WHY, because I don't know, but at THAT time, the feeling was very real. Now that feeling is no longer active. Maybe there was a real threat to my health that I've avoided...I don't know.

Unless you have managed to avoid all the Covid-related propoganda that has been circulating since the pandemic began in 2020, you would be aware of the MANY voices fighting to be heard. Some are worth listening to, while others are filled with fear. People have been reacting out of fear. I have never seen so much agenda-driven fear mongering! ...and bullying. 

There has been a great deal of judgement and accusations, even people saying Christians will go to hell for being vaccinated. I'm unaware of anything in the bible to support this fear-filled accusation!

What I found, was even though I wasn't actively listening to most voices, I was tuning into enough to make me feel unsettled. I heard voices for and against, and both sides made good points. I felt unsettled. I ignored most articles/videos/voices people tried to feed me. I didn't agree with the spirit behind them...although I acknowledge there was love in the effort.

I'm a healthcare worker. What helped me is knowing there is currently NO vaccine mandate for my field of work. (Just a real threat of an impending mandate). Therefore, whatever decision I made has not been forced upon me to keep my job. 

One major reason for my hesitancy, is the bullying tactics from other healthcare workers, Christians, and people in general. Those public comments on social media basically condemning anybody for choosing not to be vaccinated, made me feel even less interested in considering it. I'm the kind of person who reacts stubbornly when TOLD what to do by a voice that holds NO authority... I won't be bullied or made to feel bad or guilty for having a mind of my own. 

So, after unfollowing many voices on social media (positive and negative), I began to feel my peace return. I realised that much of my unsettled-ness was not my own. It was what I was subconsciously picking up from others. It took disconnecting myself to realise that.

Much of the information offered was over a year old. I was once a research student. It reminded me that I only wanted recent information. No old news. So I chose to ignore any "facts" or opinions provided more than 6 months ago. Technology progresses quickly! Much of the current fear was based on old information. 

Once I felt settled & grounded, I carefully selected a few voices to listen to. 

A big factor for me is fertility, so I chose some trusted voices on that topic.

I also attended an information session hosted by my workplace. 

These sources simply presented the facts. What I really appreciated was the delivery of FACTS and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE UNKNOWN. 

To hear the pros and cons, and understand the facts presented without any emotional, religious, or fear-filled motives. No agendas, apart from informing others and offering recommendations. Did you hear that? Recommendations. To make an informed decision.

I also watched some unbiased videos explaining how the vaccines are made (including the history of reaching the current methods) and how they work. 

A few days later, my peace was returned. I know whichever decision I made will anger some people. That's ok. I go with my gut- I listen to my spirit and God's voice. People have good reasons for making their decisions, and I respect that. I would never tell anybody which decision is right for them. I believe in free will. I am grateful for the opportunity to take my time in coming to my decision.

What I've learned, is opinions and emotions can be damaging! 

Do your own research and don't allow anybody to pressure you into a decision.

In the end, you are accountable for your own choices, so make the right one for the right reasons.

You don't owe anybody an explanation. You owe yourself peace. 

I hope this encourages somebody. 

Monday, 13 September 2021

Communication Styles and Loving Others

Something this season has highlighted for me is the communication styles of people on social media.

The Bible says, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35. 

One simple, yet vital word in that phrase... LOVE. It appears that through this pandemic, many Christians have forgotten how to love. The sad part is they probably don't even recognise it.

When I think about communication styles, I often think about the different versions of the bible. Most people are aware of the King James Version (KJV). The olde worlde language consisting of thees and thous. But this is not the first choice for most bible-reading Christians. There are other versions that use modern language. The version(s) we use comes down to personal preference. 

In my view, at one end of the spectrum of bibles is the KJV, and at the other end, The Message Bible (MSG). The MSG uses modern day language, to the point it reads like a story. It is relatable. You don't need a dictionary or thesaurus to understand what you are reading. Often it is a good translation to compare with others. 

Having said that, I deliberately use the MSG communication style on social media. I want to be relatable. I want people who read my words to understand what I am communicating, with no feelings of judgement or segregation. I want to be a positive voice in the sea of negativity.

There are many who deliberately use the KJV communication style. Unfortunately, this style often carries with it a sense of judgement and fear. There is no feeling of love. There is love in their motive, but it does not carry into the audience. Many readers, including other Christians, feel judged and attacked through this communication style.

This pandemic has caused much fear and confusion. There are voices everywhere, even when you're not actively listening. I call this "chatter", and I'm done with it! Positive and negative chatter. Since I decided to ignore ALL chatter, my peace has returned. 

What we need in this season, more than ever is love

We shouldn't need words to tell people we are Christian. Our actions and attitudes should do that. We should be recognised because of our love for others. It is not our place to judge. Our job is to simply love. 

Saturday, 11 September 2021

What a different world...

Well, it has been quite some time between posts, hasn't it!

You'd think a global pandemic, and continuous lockdowns would give me more time to write...and I guess that's true, but it has also been exhausting.

I've been blessed to be an Essential Worker, so life hasn't changed much in my household. Both of us go to work, have our social tanks filled daily, and don't feel lonely or the need to physically connect with other people. It helps to be introverts in this season. 

I am aware there are others who feel the opposite. It is tough. Lockdown 6, which was supposed to last 7 days...has been extended so many times, we've lost track of what day we're at! It has been at least a month... I think...

The world has changed. People are becoming angry and selfish. Judgemental and defensive. I don't believe it's necessarily on purpose. I think most people are just TIRED. Covid-fatigued. At least, that's how it is in Melbourne. Drivers are cutting other drivers off when there is no traffic to wait for. They're not thinking when they begin to drive. People of faith are attacking others of the same or different faiths. People are refusing to respect others. There is so much fear and uncertainty. So much anxiety.

The enemy has found "cracks" and has been creating division among people of faith. If I am honest, there are only two places where I feel safe: home and work. They are the only places where everybody is on-board with protecting each other. Everybody treats each other with the same respect and value. Nobody wants to encourage the virus in any way. 

As always, I look for the rainbows- because there is always a rainbow when you look for one! Sometimes God even shows me a tangible one. Most times, I feel the rainbow in my heart. 

We're all tired... If I could say one thing to encourage anybody feeling Covid-fatigued, I would say to simply Be Kind. Kindness doesn't cost much. You never regret being kind, but you might regret your words or actions through retaliation, hurt or anger. Plus, one simple act of kindness could be the one thing to make another's day. 

Stay strong and safe. And Be Kind.