
Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Unsung Heroes

Today I worked with some clients who have AMAZING mothers!

I worked in a Day Centre, where the clients go and participate in activities such as bowling, relaxation, art, massage, cooking, etc... They attend day centres instead of normal work.

These clients are intellectually and physically disabled... they are literally babies and toddlers in adult bodies... and their parents are aged in their 60s and 70s with no intention of stopping!

Just for a day, these people's physical needs can be tough... transferring them in and out of their wheelchairs, toileting them, feeding them, entertaining them...etc... etc... and their mothers do this every day without a complaint!

For some of these clients, their fathers have passed away, leaving them with a single mother...with soooooo much love for their child it's beautiful!

I think these mothers should be recognised more in society.
For me, I go to work, and whether it's a good day or a bad day, whether I've made a client smile or cry, whatever I have done with them that day, at the end of the day, I go home.

At the end of the day, after every shift, I go home and that is the end. I can forget about these needy people. I can relax and do what I like with my time. I have done my job for the day.

For these parents, their job never stops! They go home and they have the child to think about. They can't just say "bye" and have some time out without planning ahead.

They do so much, and they give so much of themselves... and we don't acknowledge or recognise their efforts. These parents are in their retirement years... but they have no intention of stopping. When other people their age are relaxing and accepting that their bodies are wearing out, these parents just keep going!

They're amazing. I don't get the chance to meet many of them, but what I read in their children's daily diaries and just the lunches they have prepared for their children, and the clothes they are dressed in... these mothers are AMAZING!

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