
Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Are you HAPPY in your career???

Focus on the Family radio broadcast. 19/1/07 (96.3 Rhema fm)
"Flashback Friday" with the late Larry Burkett.

Larry primarily spoke about people who study in one field, and later realise they don't REALLY want to stay in that field, but don't know what else to do.

“We are meant to do one thing in life better than anybody else. All [we’ve] gotta do is find it”.

Larry said the problem is most people find it hard to find what that one thing is! They study in one area and still don't know where they fit...

Many people feel trapped by their career -field studies but are uninterested in pursuing a career in these areas.

When you're 'stuck' like this, you must develop character = do what you don’t want to do with the right attitude.

Eg, a man was a good dentist but later became a builder – he was much happier in construction. He did his dentist job well while he had no other option, but when the right time came he became a happy builder.

A man became a Doctor because his father was a doctor, but he didn’t really want to be a doctor. He was good at his job but he didn’t want to do that job.

8 out of 40 students who graduate will find what they’re good at in society and end up feeling stuck in the wrong job mid-life.

Many people spend years studying in one field, then desire change, but are not qualified in other areas of interest.

Anybody else relate to this? I was sitting in my car listening to this program (I was early for work!!!) and I just felt he was describing ME!
I did 5yrs of study in my career field, and although I'm often told I do a great job, it's no longer where my HEART is. This is my 9th year in this field, and I know I've learned a lot - not just in the field but in my character and confidence. I do my best with what I have, but honestly, I'd rather be doing something different... but ...I too am still "looking for that one thing".

Oh well... I do believe 2007 will be a year of doors opening and shadows becoming clear! It's just sadly encouraging that there are many people out there like me...and this guy gave this talk in the 80's! The radio program was 'recycled' from the shelves.

I'll enjoy my current job while I'm in it's season... and look forward to the new season of change :)

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