
Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Summertime Ramble...

Time flies when you're BUSY and house I haven't used the internet much this week because I'm house sitting for my brother and sister-in-law... why do we seem to have the HOTTEST days when I house sit!!!! Last nite I had a fan (thanks to my mum FORCING me to take it with me!) on most of the night... the air con is awesome but just doesn't seem to reach the bedroom.

Tried a new work type this morning... In-Home Support...where you go to peoples' homes and help them them shower etc... its through the council, but I worked through the agency... was a nice change. The people were all nice. The first was a lady in a wheelchair whose husband helped out a bit...then there was a 91yr old lady who I seriously thought was only about 70yrs old! And then I arrived to my final be told they called the council this morning and they said nobody would be coming today so they already did the shower... and when I called the agency they said the shift was confirmed yesterday (after confirming last week also) so I filled out my time sheet due to the cancellation... we get paid if we are cancelled on arrival...but not if we are cancelled with warning... for example, if they called me about an hour earlier I wouldn't be paid, but if I had already started to travel to the shift, I would be paid...

So back to house sitting... The "permanent residents" arrive home I will be spending a good part of today cleaning and moving most of my things back home... literally around the only about 1km away! :) So I intend to have enough to stay one more night then go to work and not have to worry about moving out before they arrive home! :)

Gee I know how to type! This must be one of the most boring topics, but I jsut feel like typing! And am testing myself out...bought a touch typing program because I know I can type better if I unlearn my many bad typing habits! Getting better! Except the program seems to be wanting to push me to the next level before I am comfortable with the previous one...however...I think, looking at my typing right now...I have improved heaps! Especially in accuracy and not looking at the keyboard!!! Yay!! Unlearning looking at my fingers. I got As in school for touch typing, but that was before computers were the "way" to do assignments. I got As in year 7 and we didn't get a home computer til Year 10... it wasn't until year 12 where I was required to type my assignments! So by then I'd gone very rusty...

ok, that's enough about the history of my typing skills... I'm sure you're sooooo excited! :p haha!

Oh well, if you bothered to read this far, it's not my fault! :p hehehe!

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