
Monday, 26 March 2007

Words of Life Vs Words of Death

Isn’t it silly how often we will niggle at the negative things people say to us…

You could be given 10 positive compliments, and 1 negative comment/attack in the same day, but you will usually always focus on the 1 negative comment.

Positive comments bring “life” to your soul… they encourage you to be your best. Negative comments are like “death” attacking your soul… trying to bring you down and feel worthless…not good enough…

I have been going through this lately. One negative comment seems to get stuck in my mind, and replays through the day… over and over and over…like an attack in your mind trying to bring you down… yet, when you think of all the positive things people say to you… and if you think about it long enough, you realise that those 10 positive comments SHOULD make you feel valued and worthy. There are up to 10 people who love and respect you, and only one person who doesn’t.

So why does one negative have to take over? I guess in a way, it’s part of us growing. To be able to thicken our skin… to be able to withstand attacks… to gain more confidence and self confidence.

I’m reminded of the ending scenes of the movie, The Labyrinth… The main character, Sarah finds herself in a “checkmate” position – she is trapped by the Goblin King. It is the end. She has no more strength or wisdom to keep going. She knows she is trapped… he has won…

But suddenly, the ONE phrase of the Goblin story she has memorised, which she just couldn’t remember during the movie, comes to her! Suddenly, that ONE phrase changes EVERYTHING!!

That one phrase… “You have no power over me!”

And so it is with reality. You find yourself stuck in a “checkmate” situation, not being able to forget the negative things thrown at you… but if you stop long enough to realise… it only has power over you if you allow it!

You could be feeling down all day about one lousy comment, but suddenly you realise, this comment is just a stupid comment! It has no power over you! So you tell it, and then move on :)

It’s not always easy, but it’s like a recipe. It will always work.


Robyn Rochelle E. said...

this movie has been one of my long lasting favs...
and that statement of truth has been used by me and by my children for years.
Satan - you have no power over me.

He doesn't, you know - he only has the power what we give him.

Robyn said...

God often speaks to me through movie scenes :)

I bought the DVD when it came out because I remembered I loved it when I was younger. You can learn so much from movies :p