
Wednesday, 14 February 2007


I had a doozie of a tailgater today!

Driving home from work, in the right lane, I was one of the fast cars (no idea why, I was under the limit) and in my rear view mirror I see some guy in a fancy Falcon coming closer, closer, closer... so I knew he would end up on my tail...and that he did! I don't think he could've gotten any closer...

so he sits on my tail... the car in front of me indicates to turn right... but his car won't quite fit in the turn lane, so I have to brake... hahahaha!!!!! The moron behind me honks his horn like it's my fault he's too close! I hade PLENTY of time to predict what was going to happen! :) It was either drive through the car turning, brake hard and get hit from behind or slow down calmly and get honked at coz he left his brain at home! hahahaha!!

Then...he dangerously speeds off, nearly losing control merging into the left lane and far into the distance!

I think he saw a girl in a cute hatch and decided I'd be fun to intimidate... didn't work! :p

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