Just thinking about my behaviour with certain people recently... including the horrid lady who I decided wasn't worth speaking to... because any word I spoke just gave her more fuel to the fire, so I stood there, quietly looking like a fool because it would be a waste of breath to speak... and I had these quotes go through my mind :)
"It is better to remain silent and appear a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt" (not sure where this is from!)
Proverbs 29:11: A fool utters all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in till afterwards.
Sometimes the only thing you can do is look like a fool because your words are not worth their time or their blocked ears. In the end they are the fool for not listening ;)
It's funny... but what I'm learning at the moment is to speak out more and speak the truth in love.
But, that's sommething for me to share with you via email! Not in public :)
Love you x
Everybody has their own lessons :)
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